Submitted by eightyoptions on 13-Mar-2020

Expected Outcomes:

  1. National/local indicators and M&E system(s) for simplified and integrated approaches for R2R;
  2. National and regional platforms for sharing of best practices and lessons learned in R2R.

Expected Outputs:

  1. National indicators and simplified M&E systems developed towards national level adoption and reporting by national inter-ministry committees and assembled annually for reporting by year 2.
  2. Integrated and simplified tracking tools developed for multi-focal area projects and communicated to GEF;
  3. Informed decision makers at the national and local levels implement and mainstream integrated R2R approaches and climate adaptation;
  4. Previous SIDS experience, best practice and lessons with ICM/IWRM demo best practices reviewed, codified and disseminated for a PIC-wide capacity building tool to be included in web portal.
  5. Lessons learned from soon to be completed GEF IWRM project captured and disseminated through various forms of appropriate media targeting policy makers, practitioners, the public and other audience;
  6. One percent of IW budget supports the regional knowledge platform and contribute to IW:LEARN activities; appropriate amounts for knowledge related platforms in other focal areas allocated to operationalize an integrated Ridge-to-Reef knowledge platform.