Expected Outcomes:
- Enhanced policies, regulations and institutions for integrated Ridge-to-Reef approaches in place in PICs;
- National and local capacities for ICM, IWRM, SLM and SFM improved to enable best practice in integrated, climate resilient Ridge-to-Reef approaches in natural resource management.
Expected Outputs:
- Integrated policy frameworks at the national and sub-national levels towards combined land, water, forests and coastal and biodiversity management formulated and adopted in all PICs;
- Climate smart policies and approaches mainstreamed in broader policy frameworks for an expected at least 4 PICs to reduce vulnerabilities of communities and enhance the resilience of land, water, forest and coastal resources to climate fluctuations;
- Inter-ministerial committees developed and functioning in at least ¾ of PICs to facilitate national coordinated action required for integrated Ridge-to-Reef approaches and incorporation into national budget planning;
- Training needs assessment conducted and effective mechanisms for transfer of knowledge and skills in integrated approaches in environment and natural resources management implemented in all national R2R projects and the regional project;
- Advanced training in ICM/IWRM and other integrated (SLM, SFM) approaches to natural resources and environmental management and climate change adaptation conducted to benefit government staff in all PICs in collaboration with internationally-recognized institution(s) for the conduct of the training and use of training tools;
- National human capacity strategies for mainstreaming R2R (ICM, IWRM, SLM, SFM) formulated and adopted in 14 PICs to accompany innovative post-graduate training program and mentoring/leadership programs;
- Local ICM plans show integration with IWRM and land and forest management plans in around 10 PICs;
- National ICM policies demonstrate integration with national IWRM, SLM and SFM policies in around 10 PICs National coastal diagnostic analyses integrated with existing IWRM related diagnostics in 14PICs National ‘State of the Coast’ Reports produced by year 3 in all 14 PICs.