Project Overview
Marine and terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services underpin social well-being and the economy of the Federated States of Micronesia, and are vital to food security. These resources and services, however, are currently being undermined by unsustainable natural resource use and practices; spread of invasive alien species; the impacts of climate change; and, the limitations of government to effectively implement its programs and policies.
This project is designed to engineer a paradigm shift in the approach to and management of natural resources from an ad-hoc species/site/problem centric approach to a holistic ecosystem-based management “ridge to reef” approach guided by planning and management process that are informed by actual data. The shift to an ecosystem-base approach within National and State governments will ensure that whole island systems are managed to enhance ecosystem goods and services, to conserve globally important biodiversity and to sustain local livelihoods.
The project will promote an integrated approach towards fostering sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation by seeking greater awareness, knowledge and participation of all stakeholders in achieving a greater balance between environmental management and development needs. In doing so it will reduce conflicting land-uses and land-use practices, and improve the sustainability of terrestrial and marine management so as to maintain the flow of vital ecosystem services and sustain the livelihoods of local communities. Further, the project will demonstrate sustainable land management practices testing new management measures, as needed, to reduce existing environmental stressors and institutional limitations.
The project will also enhance the FSMs capacities to effectively manage its protected area estate as well as increase the coverage of the terrestrial and marine protected area network on the High Islands.
Results Framework
UNDAF Outcome(s): UNDAF for the Pacific Sub-region 2013-2017 – Outcome Area 1: Environmental management, climate change and disaster risk management.
UNDP Strategic Plan Primary Outcome: Outcome 1: Growth and development are inclusive and sustainable, incorporating productive capacities that create employment and livelihoods for the poor and excluded.
Expected SRPD Outcomes(s): Improved resilience of PICTs, with a particular focus on communities, through the integrated implementation of sustainable environmental management, climate change adaptation and/or mitigation and disaster risk
Expected SRPD Output(s):
1. Capacities of local government departments are strengthened for effective, participatory environmental governance.
2. Demonstration projects on natural resources management and biodiversity at the community level that can be scaled up are implemented, and the formulation of evidence-based policies is supported.
Executive Entity/Implementing Partner: Office of Environment and Emergency Management (OEEM)
Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners: National: Department of Resources and Development Division of Resource and Development, Agriculture Program and Marine Program; Chuuk State: Department of Agriculture; Environmental Protection Agency; Pohnpei State: Department of Land and Natural Resources; Environmental Protection Agency; Kosrae State: Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority; Yap State: Department of Resources and Development; Environmental Protection Agency, and UNDP.