Project Overview
The predicted effects of climate change on Samoa include: i) increased frequency and severity of extreme rainfall events; ii) increased frequency and duration of droughts; iii) rising sea levels; and iv) increased frequency of extreme wind events such as gusts and cyclones. The problem that the proposed LDCF project seeks to address is that Climate change is expected to result in losses to lives, livelihoods and assets for local communities in Samoa. The solutions is to adopt an economy-wide approach to climate change adaptation in Samoa, allowing for increased integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management into national development planning and programming across all sectors. Additionally, the climate resilience of local communities – including their physical assets and livelihoods – must be strengthened.
Results Framework
UNDAF Outcome:
Outcome 1.1. By 2017 the most vulnerable communities across the PICTs are more resilient and select government agencies, civil society organizations and communities have enhanced capacity to apply integrated approaches to environmental management, climate change adaptation/mitigation, and disaster risk management.
UNDP Strategic Plan Outcome:
Outcome 5. Countries are able to reduce the likelihood of conflict, and lower the risk of natural disasters, including from climate change.
UNDAF Results Matrix:
Output 3.1.2. Strengthened national capacity to develop and upgrade the national environmental policy and the implementation of relevant gender and climate change policy responses.
Output 3.2.2. Strengthened capacity support for community disaster risk reduction and school-based DRM.
Output 3.2.4. Strengthened government and UN planning and coordination of humanitarian responses, including post disaster employment and livelihood options for women and men.
Output 3.2.7. Improve monitoring of climate change through centralised collection of data.
Implementing Agency: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Executing Agency/Implementing Entity: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)
Responsible Parties: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Women, Communities and Social Development; Land Transport Authority